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Monday, February 1, 2010

Acme Double-Edged Swords

I understand corporations. I appreciate them in ways, and despise them in others. I work for a corporate company which touts itself as being run by artists. Hah!

Corporations brainwash like this- They bring you in to work at "competitive wages" and offer various discounts and "benefits". I guess minimum wage is competing with all other forms of payment, beating all the cockroaches you can eat, and being beaten by almost tolerably low wages. Discounts are often nice, if you can find anything you want and can afford, which is often, in the Vinn diagram, found etched into one of the few fibers that connect the two circles, merely by coincidence. Then the discounts are often not worth the hassle of filing a 1040 Pain in the Ass edition, which can only be approved by a higher up whose plate is overflowing with menial rhetoric as it is. So why not just spend the full amount at the nice Mom and Pop? Benefits are the big one. Okay, I dig vision insurance. I've been wearing the same pair of 30 day contacts for around 4 years now. But you have to have medical insurance. I had medical insurance once. Got hooked on anxiety medication and nearly killed someone when I missed a dose. Found out that clinical anxiety is actually a side effect of being a human, especially one who is following a path in life toward something for which said human has never had, and will never have, any passion nor interest at all.

They also give you responsibility and rank (more work and a placebo-fashioned ego boost) which make your job seem more valuable, but some of us eventually realize that 90 per cent of our waking hours are spent existing as a convenience who can quickly become an annoyance if we aren't efficient enough.

So yeah, I'm seriously quitting my job.


Anonymous said...

Found out that clinical anxiety is actually a side effect of being a human-
can I use this?

jake hooker said...

Yes, as long as I get a cut of the subsequent back alley hand jobs.

Anonymous said...

what are you implying?

jake hooker said...

when you quote me, people will be impressed and offer hand jobs in dark alleys. I just want my share of that.