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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It All Makes Sense! Thank You, Bible!

My Mama asked me "Do you know how the Bible begins?".

I say "In the beginning".

She says (and ah, fuck! I feel like I'm leaving something out) "In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was 'God'. And that is what all creation came from, the word 'God". We were discussing the metaphysical importance of sound.

This is how it all makes sense-

In my mind, in an alternate existence, some guy was given yet another bit of information that made his miserable existence even more miserable, to which he said to himself in a desperate, somewhat whiny manner, as though he were pissing, moaning, and about to ask for some form of relief, be it death or a coma, or whatever- "God".

This seemingly harmless statement spawned a brand new existence, somewhere entirely separate from the Speaker's universe. Had his tone been more joyous, our universe would be far more harmonious, and things would only feel good, and we wouldn't be bogged with discontent about why we exist or what we need to do to be our perfect selves, as deemed by a higher power who hasn't the decency to equip us with the slightest hint of knowledge of our purpose, but no, the entire basis of all we are, all we know, and all we will ever experience, is a mildly vulgar groan.

No wonder we're all filled to the brim with negativity. No wonder we're blinded with frustration and stupidity.

So how many billions of universes have we created that we'll likely never be accounted for? Maybe that's why PMA is a good thing. Who wants the weight of multiple universes* subliminally crushing them?

*Since spellcheck didn't have a problem with the pluralization of the word "universe", I'm no longer convinced that there is only one of them. Being that the definition of the word doesn't really leave room for anything to exist outside the universe, including another universe, and two things, supposedly, can't occupy the same space at the same time, the Fabric of Reality has entirely unravelled, and the purest form of chaos has kept everything as we have always perceived it to be, which is why you didn't notice when the Goose Down Vest of Reality became Nothing. Basically, we don't exist, but no one noticed.

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