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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Follow Up!

I got the truth I asked for and more! While we were seeing each other, she took a trip to NYC. While she was there, she visited the butthole that broke her heart before and "innocently enough" asked him "Sowhen are you gonna come back and marry me?". If it was so innocent, why is he now doing that? Why did she shit on me and go along with it? So I yelled at her and called her a dickhead and an asshole and a sonofabitch. Her response-"**** has never yelled at me or called me names!" Sure, she didn't offer her heart and the rest of her life to another dude while they were dating!

I feel like I was understandably furious. She told me I fight too dirty. Well, I just spoke the truth. Give me a weapon and ammo aplenty and tell me you betrayed me in about the worst way, I'm probably gonna use that weapon, and shoot from the hip. It's not my fault if every bullet finds a home in your heart.

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